Version 12.3.4 v12

EDB Postgres Advanced Server 12.3.4 includes the following bug fixes:

Upstream MergeMerged with community PostgreSQL 12.5.3. See the community Release Notes for details.
Bug FixFix dblink_ora_copy() when copying to EPAS table having ROWID. [Support Ticket: #964115]DB-435
Bug FixIgnore TOAST for partitioned tables. [Support Ticket: #983824]DB-409
Bug FixAdd GUC to control the scan type for the remote statement. New GUC edb_dblink_oci.rescan = {serializable | scroll} allows a user to choose the scrollable vs non-scrollable cursor. [Support Ticket: #947738]DB380
Bug FixFix server crash when an empty input string is passed to to_timestamp. [Support Ticket: #981139]DB-362
Bug FixFix potential incorrect result or crash by switching to the right memory context.DB-319
Bug FixDo not push ROWNUM to the child scan/join targets paths and disable partition-wise aggregate when query has ROWNUM.DB-187