Overview v5.6

EDB Postgres Distributed is an active/active or multi-master DBMS. If used asynchronously, writes to the same or related rows from multiple different nodes can result in data conflicts when using standard data types.

Conflicts aren't errors. In most cases, they are events that PGD can detect and resolve as they occur. Resolving them depends on the nature of the application and the meaning of the data, so it's important for PGD to provide the application with a range of choices for how to resolve conflicts.

By default, conflicts are resolved at the row level. When changes from two nodes conflict, PGD picks either the local or remote tuple and the discards the other. For example, the commit timestamps might be compared for the two conflicting changes and the newer one kept. This approach ensures that all nodes converge to the same result and establishes commit-order-like semantics on the whole cluster.

Conflict handling is configurable, as described in Conflict resolution. PGD can detect conflicts and handle them differently for each table using conflict triggers, described in Stream triggers.

Column-level conflict detection and resolution is available with PGD, as described in CLCD.

By default, all conflicts are logged to bdr.conflict_history. If conflicts are possible, then table owners must monitor for them and analyze how to avoid them or make plans to handle them regularly as an application task. The LiveCompare tool is also available to scan regularly for divergence.

Some clustering systems use distributed lock mechanisms to prevent concurrent access to data. These can perform reasonably when servers are very close to each other but can't support geographically distributed applications where very low latency is critical for acceptable performance.

Distributed locking is essentially a pessimistic approach. PGD advocates an optimistic approach, which is to avoid conflicts where possible but allow some types of conflicts to occur and resolve them when they arise.

How conflicts happen

Inter-node conflicts arise as a result of sequences of events that can't happen if all the involved transactions happen concurrently on the same node. Because the nodes exchange changes only after the transactions commit, each transaction is individually valid on the node it committed on. It isn't valid if applied on another node that did other conflicting work at the same time.

Since PGD replication essentially replays the transaction on the other nodes, the replay operation can fail if there's a conflict between a transaction being applied and a transaction that was committed on the receiving node.

Most conflicts can't happen when all transactions run on a single node because Postgres has inter-transaction communication mechanisms to prevent it. Examples of these mechanisms are UNIQUE indexes, SEQUENCE operations, row and relation locking, and SERIALIZABLE dependency tracking. All of these mechanisms are ways to communicate between ongoing transactions to prevent undesirable concurrency issues.

PGD doesn't have a distributed transaction manager or lock manager. That's part of why it performs well with latency and network partitions. As a result, transactions on different nodes execute entirely independently from each other when using the default, which is lazy replication. Less independence between nodes can avoid conflicts altogether, which is why PGD also offers Eager Replication for when this is important.

Avoiding or tolerating conflicts

In most cases, you can design the application to avoid or tolerate conflicts.

Conflicts can happen only if things are happening at the same time on multiple nodes. The simplest way to avoid conflicts is to only ever write to one node or to only ever write to a specific row in a specific way from one specific node at a time.

This avoidance happens naturally in many applications. For example, many consumer applications allow only the owning user to change data, such as changing the default billing address on an account. Such data changes seldom have update conflicts.

You might make a change just before a node goes down, so the change seems to be lost. You might then make the same change again, leading to two updates on different nodes. When the down node comes back up, it tries to send the older change to other nodes. It's rejected because the last update of the data is kept.

For INSERT/INSERT conflicts, use global sequences to prevent this type of conflict.

For applications that assign relationships between objects, such as a room-booking application, applying update_if_newer might not give an acceptable business outcome. That is, it isn't useful to confirm to two people separately that they have booked the same room. The simplest resolution is to use Eager Replication to ensure that only one booking succeeds. More complex ways might be possible depending on the application. For example, you can assign 100 seats to each node and allow those to be booked by a writer on that node. But if none are available locally, use a distributed locking scheme or Eager Replication after most seats are reserved.

Another technique for ensuring certain types of updates occur only from one specific node is to route different types of transactions through different nodes. For example:

  • Receiving parcels on one node but delivering parcels using another node
  • A service application where orders are input on one node and work is prepared on a second node and then served back to customers on another

Frequently, the best course is to allow conflicts to occur and design the application to work with PGD's conflict resolution mechanisms to cope with the conflict.