Supported PGD upgrade paths v5.6

Upgrading within version 5

You can upgrade from any version 5.x release to a later 5.x release.

Upgrading from version 4 to version 5

Upgrades from PGD 4 to PGD 5 are supported from version 4.3.0. For earlier versions, upgrade to 4.3.0 before upgrading to 5. See Upgrading within 4 for more information.

Generally, we recommend that you upgrade to the latest version 4 release before upgrading to the latest version 5 release. After upgrading to 4.3.0 or later, the following upgrade paths are possible.

From versionTo version or later or later or later or later

Upgrading from version 3.7 to version 5

Starting with version 3.7.23, you can upgrade directly to version 5.3.0 or later. For earlier versions, upgrade to 3.7.23 before upgrading to 5. See Upgrading within version 3.7 for more information.