EDB private container registries v1

The images for the EDB Postgres for Kubernetes operator, as well as various operands, are kept in private container image registries under docker.enterprisedb.com.


Access to the private registries requires an account with EDB and is reserved to EDB customers with a valid subscription plan. Credentials will be funneled through your EDB account.


There is a bandwidth quota of 10GB/month per registry.


When installing the operator and operands from the private registry, the license keys are not needed.

Which repository to choose?

EDB Postgres for Kubernetes is available with either of "EDB Enterprise Plan" or "EDB Standard Plan".

Depending on your subscription plan, EDB Postgres for Kubernetes will be in one of the following repositories, as described in the table below:

EDB Standard Plank8s_standard
EDB EnterpriseDB Plank8s_enterprise

The name of the repository shall be used as the Username when you try to login to the EDB container registry, for example through docker login or a kubernetes.io/dockerconfigjson pull secret.


Each repository contains all the images you can access with your plan. You don't need to connect to different repositories to access different images, such as operator or operand images.

How to retrieve the token

In the repositories page in EDB, you'll find an EDB Repos 2.0 section where a Repo Token is shown, obscured. The same token is also be available in your Account profile, labeled as Repos 2.0 token.

Next to the token you'll find a button to copy the token, and an eye icon in case you want to view the content of the token as clear text. The token shall be used as the Password when you try to access the EDB container registry.

Example with docker login

You should be able to login via Docker from your terminal. We suggest you copy the Repo Token using the Copy Token button. The docker command below will prompt you for a username and a password.

As explained above, the username should be the repository you are trying to access while the password is the token you just copied.

$ docker login docker.enterprisedb.com  
Username: k8s_enterprise
Login Succeeded

Operand images

EDB Postgres for Kubernetes supports various PostgreSQL distributions that have images available from the same private registries:

  • EDB Postgres Advanced (EPAS)
  • EDB Postgres Extended (PGE)

PostgreSQL images are not available in the private registries, but are readily available on quay.io/enterprisedb/postgresql or ghcr.io/enterprisedb/postgresql.

These images follow the requirements and the conventions described in the "Container image requirements" page of the EDB Postgres for Kubernetes documentation.

In the table below you can find the image name prefix for each Postgres distribution:

Postgres distributionImage nameRepositories
EDB Postgres Extended (PGE)edb-postgres-extendedk8s_standard, k8s_enterprise
EDB Postgres Advanced (EPAS)edb-postgres-advancedk8s_enterprise

How to deploy clusters with EPAS or PGE operands

If you have already installed the EDB Postgres for Kubernetes operator from the private registry, you must have already set up an image pull secret. If you haven't, the next section may be of interest to you.

If you have an existing installation of the operator, in order to pull images for EPAS or PGE from the private registry, you will need to create a kubernetes.io/dockerconfigjson pull secret.

You can create a pull secret from credentials.

kubectl create secret docker-registry registry-pullsecret \
  -n <CLUSTER-NAMESPACE> --docker-server=docker.enterprisedb.com \
  --docker-username=<REGISTRY-NAME> \

As mentioned above, the docker-username is the name of your registry, i.e. k8s_standard or k8s_enterprise. The docker-password is the token retrieved from the EDB portal.

Once your pull secret is created, remember to set the imagePullSecrets field in the cluster manifest in addition to the imageName. The manifest below will create a cluster running PG Extended from the k8s_enterprise repository.

apiVersion: postgresql.k8s.enterprisedb.io/v1
kind: Cluster
  name: postgresql-extended-cluster
  instances: 3
  imageName: docker.enterprisedb.com/k8s_enterprise/edb-postgres-extended:16.2
  - name: registry-pullsecret

    storageClass: standard
    size: 1Gi

How to install the operator using the EDB private registry

As mentioned above, the username for docker is the name of your repository, and the token is the password. The same credentials can be used for kubernetes to access the registry by setting up a kubernetes.io/dockerconfigjson pull secret.

As mentioned in the installation document, there are several different ways to install the operator.

If you are going to install using images from the private registry, you will need to create a pull secret, as we have mentioned, and also customize the OPERATOR_IMAGE_NAME parameter in the deployment manifest.

We suggest to use the Helm chart for installation, which will take care of creating the pull secret and customizing the operator image repository for you.

You can find more information in the Helm chart page.

As an example, the following command (provided the token) will install the PG4K operator when using the repository from the EDB EnterpriseDB Plan:

helm upgrade --install edb-pg4k \
  --namespace postgresql-operator-system \
  --create-namespace \
  --set image.repository=docker.enterprisedb.com/k8s_enterprise/edb-postgres-for-kubernetes \
  --set image.imageCredentials.username=k8s_enterprise \
  --set image.imageCredentials.password=<ENTITLEMENT_TOKEN> \
  --set image.imageCredentials.create=true \
  --set "imagePullSecrets[0].name"=postgresql-operator-pull-secret \
  --set config.data.PULL_SECRET_NAME=postgresql-operator-pull-secret \